If the emotions kept within showed as colorfully on the outside as they feel on the inside, perhaps we would all understand each other better and there would be more compassion in the world today. We often feel like everyone should already know what's bothering us because to us, it's painfully obvious, right? |
"You do not have to change anyone or make the world perfect. Your mission has always been to accept, forgive & love all perfectly." - Jennifer Kruse
CONFLICT ENDS when both parties consider each others perspective until they both realize that it all began a long time ago as a simple misunderstanding & they never intended to hurt each other.
That was the hot potato they have tossed back & forth ever since, reacting to the belief that the other was still hurting them on purpose. Their hurt actually measures how much they have always loved each other. ♡ - Jennifer Kruse "Those who look for something to be offended about will surely find it... but at the same time & in the same scenario, they often miss seeing how they are being honored & respected.
Consider the offender's intention before supporting the negative assumptions of those looking for a reason to be offended." - Jennifer Kruse "We use ourselves to measure what is normal. Remember that the next time a dysfunctional person insists that there is something really wrong with someone else. What seems unnatural to them may actually be what we call normal."
- Jennifer Kruse "Humans move like melted snow in the spring, water naturally moving to join the river. There the waters rally together in a celebration of movement, where the movement itself becomes as simple as going with the natural flow.
A few drops of water cannot reverse the direction in which the river flows; they will either be swept away or be left behind to evaporate in a lonely puddle. Successful movement requires celebration, without protest. 'Walking Waters' still naturally rush to join a celebration of movement." - Jennifer Kruse FEAR OF UNKNOWN = FEAR OF CHANGE.
Humans naturally fear change because the brain comes pre-programmed telling us that Sameness = Safety. ● This "Safety Feature" is leftover from the caveman stage of human development. Our survival depended upon "Assuming the Worst First" back when change meant that we might end up as something's lunch. ● In this day, however, this function has most humans looking at their spouse, loved-ones, coworkers & neighbors as if they might be lions, tigers & bears... oh my! ● This may be the largest contributing factor in divorce, as well as most violence & trouble in the world today. ● The human brain comes pre-programmed to "Assume the Worst First," but does it really make sense to "FEAR the Worst First and Ask Questions Never?" ● When we fear, don't we react in a negative manner? ● Would doing this make situations better or worse? ● Let's UPGRADE YOUR BRAIN's operating system to bring your thoughts out of the Stoneage & into the Now! - Jennifer Kruse Our only real enemy is FEAR. |
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