Awakening within an Unconscious World by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT

"Who am I?"
"Why am I here?"
Have you noticed the world doesn't feel quite right to you anymore?
You've felt there is something important you are supposed to be doing, but can't quite remember what it is. You feel a deep sense of urgency to do it, sometimes it feels like you are late and fear you might be running out of time, you rush around doing things, hoping maybe by doing a lot, you will do that thing you were supposed to do... But still you feel a growing sense of panic inside, you know your important task remains undone and still you wonder, "What am I supposed to be doing?"
You probably even sensed that others are depending upon you to do whatever it is you were supposed to be doing. You wonder...."What happens if I don't do it?"
Scary possibilities race through your mind and you rush to do more things. Chances are that you've already tried to help others. Yes, because that feels right to you... It is part of your purpose to help and be of service to others, but still that's not all of it, it's more specific than that.