Humans naturally fear change because the brain comes pre-programmed telling us that Sameness = Safety.
● This "Safety Feature" is leftover from the caveman stage of human development. Our survival depended upon "Assuming the Worst First" back when change meant that we might end up as something's lunch.
● In this day, however, this function has most humans looking at their spouse, loved-ones, coworkers & neighbors as if they might be lions, tigers & bears... oh my!
● This may be the largest contributing factor in divorce, as well as most violence & trouble in the world today.
● The human brain comes pre-programmed to
"Assume the Worst First," but does it really make sense to
"FEAR the Worst First and Ask Questions Never?"
● When we fear, don't we react in a negative manner?
● Would doing this make situations better or worse?
● Let's UPGRADE YOUR BRAIN's operating system to bring your thoughts out of the Stoneage & into the Now! - Jennifer Kruse