In order to Make It Stop, often we must first identify where & how it all began.
I've witnessed the birth of Bipolar Disorder and I've heard similar stories from many others.
Are YOU Ready for this?
She was an average girl, good student & good kid, she didn't get into a whole bunch of trouble, she listened to her parents.
She attended the summer bible camp, had a wonderful time and returned home excited and claiming she had been "saved."
With great remorse, she confessed to her Mother, all the "bad things" she had done. Her mother chuckled thinking, "that's not even bad stuff and she thinks that's really bad? Wow, I've got such a good kid!"
The young lady proclaimed that all her old friends were "bad people" and she refused to have them in her life anymore.
In the process of this, she actually rejected HERSELF.
She judged her old self as "bad" and rejected that part of herself too.
She became "SUPER GOOD."
Imagine this girl with broad shoulders...
she PINGED all the way to the tip of her right shoulder!
Since Balance is a Natural State of Being, each person will eventually PONG just as far in the opposite direction.
Following the PONG is another PING which comes along with much Guilt and Regret, more rejection of SELF and the cycle continues.
When it happened to this young lady, she yelled at her Mother, didn't help out, she moved out & engaged in extreme things which could be classified as:
"Really Bad"
She had never done anything like this before.
It was like she was two completely different people!
What really happened here?
The key point is:
She REJECTED SELF while categorizing her friends & herself as "bad people."
Was this really the message she received at Bible Camp?
I think she misunderstood the message & applied it the best she could at the time.
Did Jesus teach anyone to label and reject others for doing "bad stuff?"
He actually went to those low places and reached out to those people, those who had "hit rock bottom" were most ready to find the way up and out.
Like many others...
this young lady grabbed onto the teachings with only partial understanding.
She became focused upon BEING GOOD, because she had missed the more important lessons:
Unconditional LOVE
Unconditional ACCEPTANCE
Working with people suffering from Bipolar Disorder, I've seen this type of Spiritual Imbalance in each and every case!
As a Holistic Healer, addressing these Spiritual Imbalances is the treatment plan for Bipolar Disorder.
Consider SELF is located at the Heart's Center.
We all PING and PONG, as we have a duality within us.
The goal is to PING and PONG as close to Center as possible.
Learning how to truly forgive others = we each learn how to forgive ourselves and accept forgiveness. We learn to BELIEVE mistakes ARE forgiveable!
Learning how to Unconditionally Love & Accept others = we learn how to Love & Accept SELF and then accept Love from others (without doubt).
We learn to BELIEVE we ARE Acceptable!
We learn to BELIEVE we ARE Loveable!
Unconditional Love is something that everyone wants, everyone is looking for it...
but few truly believe is theirs to have. Few truly believe they are "Acceptable."
Do YOU Believe in Unconditional Love?
If there is doubt within you about the Love others feel for you...
then you haven't quite grasped the concept of unconditional love yet.
If you are still angry with others for what they've done to hurt you...
then you haven't quite grasped the concept of forgiveness yet.
Forigiveness is not just saying it's OK and continuing to "take it."
Forgiveness comes from understanding what motivates others to do those "hurtful" or "bad things."
The answer?
All negative actions come from FEAR.
That fear runs deep to the core, all the way to the FIRST FEAR, which was a fear that SELF is not truly unconditionally loved, accepted or forgiven by anyone, the fear that SELF is not worthy.
These Fears were born inside of myself as a little girl, when I misunderstood the Biblical teachings of Jesus.
I understood that "God the Father" loved me more than ANY PERSON ever could...
BUT I better "Be Good" OR...
How did I interpret that?
I knew I wasn't perfect, so I tried to be!
It was not possible to be perfect all of the time.
I felt I was never good enough and since "God the Father" also meant:
"God the Parent," I doubted the love from even my own parents.
This is also the birth of a self-esteem problem...
feeling doubt that SELF will be accepted simply for being SELF.
Notice that all "bad behaviors" are born from fear and then feel compassion for the person. Release the hurts they caused you, truly FEEL LOVE for them & want better things for them.
Fear clouds the perception and judgment of people,
when they are in fear... they "Know not what they do!"
What did Jesus come to teach... DOUBT?
Absolutely NOT!
Jesus taught about:
If you attain THESE THREE, then "being good" happens easily as a side-effect.
It's not something a person has to strive to achieve or maintain.
I've witnessed people who had struggled with alcoholism who realized one day that they had stopped drinking months ago and didn't even realize it before that day. They simply had not thought about alcohol until reminded by some one or something, like a Holiday event they usually spent drinking with their friends.
I've met many Christians who believe that Jesus has forgiven them, yet some of the same people don't really believe in forgiveness.
How can they believe in forgiveness when they don't forgive others?
Again, it's this misunderstanding, that something needs to be earned and the doubt that they have done enough to earn it.
Are these people forgiven by Jesus?
I believe they are, but they must ACCEPT that Forgiveness.
Everything Moves in a Circle
I've observed that you GET BACK what you GIVE OUT.
Whatever is sent out, moves through the Circle and it always comes back bigger.
Apply that to this situation...
Are you GIVING FORGIVENESS to others?
If you are, then you'll likely be ready to ACCEPT FORGIVENESS when it comes back to you.
Have FAITH & TRUST... another one I had trouble understanding.
I can best describe it now as TRUSTING that you will be OK, something GOOD is always coming from each situation.
Having Faith that this is always true and continuing to LOOK FOR THE GOOD in every situation, believing that it is already there to find.
Holistically treating Bipolar Disorder in this way is a TRUE SOLUTION.
As the person FEELS BETTER within, their body naturally begins to produce the chemicals within the brain which balance out any chemical imbalances which were produced as a result of the EXTREME PING and PONG cycles.
Treating Bipolar Disorder FAQ
If you or someone you know is interested in Holistic Healing for Bipolar Disorder, the information below will likely answer your questions:
Guided-Learning Session for Bipolar Disorder is 3 hours long (minimum)
Ask that supporting family member(s) attend to witness, support & learn from the session as well. There has usually been some hurt which will need to be forgiven within the family unit which will assist the Patient AND the Family's Recovery.
The number of sessions depends upon the Patient & their family's individual situation. I've seen amazing results after just one 3 hour session!
The Patient MUST WANT things to be better.
The supporting loved-one MUST FORGIVE & SUPPORT the patient's recovery.
I don't accept further appointments from those who waste my time and theirs.
Be Ready for things to change for the better by releasing old hurts & grudges.
This is not counseling.
This is a Natural, Holistic & Spiritual approach to Healing.
Spiritual portions of Guided-Learning is customized to YOUR own Faith Beliefs, whatever they may be.
Large Group sessions are available.
Public Speaking & Seminars Available upon Request. Sharing guided-learning sessions with an audience, addressing the "usual areas" of imbalance.
Fees depend upon individual situation, please call for more information.
Written by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT
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