"You Don't Have to BE PERFECT!" Holistic Healing by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT
"Perfect Person" defined & clarified for better emotional well-being.

To Err is Human, right?
A person who has
made mistakes
does NOT Exist.
Practice Makes Perfect.
Here's What You Should Know...

Hiding Their Mistakes,
giving an illusion of what many believe is “perfection.”

1.) must hide their mistakes
2.) never make any mistakes at all.
Neither of these options supports healthy development!
If they make a mistake (which they will), it is difficult for them to feel accepted for who they really are.
We MUST clarify the meaning of a “Perfect Person.”
A “Perfect Person” is someone who:
1.) LEARNS from their Mistakes
2.) Becomes a BETTER PERSON because of them.
People are INSPIRED to become THIS TYPE of "Perfect Person" by a "Great Teacher."
A "Great Teacher" is one who:
Openly shares what they learned from their own mistakes in life.
This teaches others that making mistakes is an acceptable part of learning.
Students learn that they may also grow beyond their own mistakes.
Giving & Receiving Forgiveness remains possible.

denying their mistake to learn from it!
Forgiveness is denied along with the denial that a mistake was made.
Admitting Your Mistake is the first step in Accepting Forgiveness from SELF and OTHERS.
Those who do not Accept Forgiveness are usually not very forgiving of others.
Children learn from observing us!
Will you teach them to be:
Honest Mistake-Makers OR Mistake-Free Liars?
Honest Mistake-Makers learn how to give and receive Forgiveness.

because they have not learned to forgive themselves.
They often fear that others will continue repeating mistakes without improvement, because that's what they typically do.
They fear being hurt by others, because they hurt people too.
They don’t trust others easily, because they don’t believe anyone actually is trustworthy.
They fear if people REALLY KNEW THEM, they would REJECT THEM...
because they believe you must be “without mistakes” to be Acceptable.
They fear they won’t Be Loved because:
They FEEL Unlovable AND They don’t know what it really means to LOVE SELF or Others.

It’s not hard to do…
look around...
you probably already do.
YIKES- scary, huh?
If you don’t like the chaos in the world,

Imagine a World full of Honest Mistake-Makers!
It’s a Forgiving World in which
we Encourage Others as
we EXPECT they will Learn from their mistakes,
becoming BETTER PEOPLE because of them.
It’s a world where we ACCEPT EACH OTHER, because we Accept Ourselves.
We FORGIVE EACH OTHER, because we Forgive Ourselves.
We HELP EACH OTHER, because we Help Ourselves.
We Believe PEOPLE CAN BE TRUSTED, because SELF is Trustworthy.
We LOVE EACH OTHER, because we LOVE Ourselves.
Which kind of World sounds more “PERFECT?”
I vote for the world of "Honest Mistake-Makers" (aka the Perfect People).
If YOU are an Honest Mistake-Maker... Congratulations!
You are as PERFECT as a PERSON can get!
If Not... It's OK, I forgive ya!
That's just one of those "Mistakes" which we Expect You'll Learn from
& You are Becoming a Better Person because of it. :)
Practice Makes Perfect and There's no better time than THE PRESENT. :)
You Can Change the Whole World... Simply by Changing You! :)

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As a Holistic Healer, Teacher and Practitioner of many Alternative Medicine Modalities,
Jen Helps People Connect & Understand Aspects of SELF
in a Profound Healing Experience.
Helping YOU Transform Your Life!
Interested in scheduling an Event or Class?
Call Jen at (701) 371-3111