| Successfully Navigating the Labyrinth of the Human Mind |
"We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life." ~ Dr. Carl Jung, psychiatrist Whenever we judge another, we subconsciously hold "SELF" accountable to the same standard. In other words, we subconsciously begin punishing ourselves. This is not a spiritual or religious belief, nor is it a new contemporary way of thinking... this is psychology! |
This is how we became our own worst enemy, critic, bully & punisher. This information will provide some simple insights to better Navigate this Labyrinth of the Human Mind.
Frustration with our children or parents suddenly becomes compounded when we realize that we are just like them. Ever wonder why this makes you feel more frustrated?
"Haters" reveal their own inner secrets in harsh words about others.

- actions
- thoughts
- feelings
- intentions
- beliefs
We continue to notice negative things around us because we continue to judge them harshly. For a healthier mind... stop judging and begin forgiving.

If you don't believe that's true, please show us an "evil baby," because we've never seen one.
If someone is doing something you consider horrible, then something went horribly wrong for them in life (probably in their childhood). They are likely very tortured within themselves.
We previously believed that withholding Unconditional Acceptance, Forgiveness & Love could somehow fix a broken love-starved world. Great Teachers throughout time taught that compassion & forgiveness are the real best chance for improving these situations.

Dr. Carl Jung made reference to observing our own internal divisions in others as "meeting ourselves in a thousand disguises."
As we unconditionally LOVE, FORGIVE & EMBRACE our 'disguised other selves' in the world around us, we reunite more of our own divided self within. Until we come to believe that "they" are forgivable, we will not believe that "we" are forgivable either.

Observing others, we find that we are increasingly in awe of them.
We spend our lives
Falling in Love
with the world around us, eventually we realize that this is the most important Love Affair of our entire lives. We are Falling in Love with ourselves
- from the outside in,
- from the beginning of time to the present moment,
- from the worst to the best aspects of self.

Recognize YOURSELF in the beautiful living reflections all around you & begin consciously treating YOURSELF the way you've always wanted to be treated.
Accept, Forgive, Love & Embrace others unconditionally. You have everything to gain by doing this because Truth Be Told... You have surrounded yourself with those who are the perfect reflections of YOU.
Embrace SELF from the beginning of time to the present moment...
The blood of all your ancestors is still living within you. You are your ancestors and they are you. Acknowledge, Accept, Honor and Embrace All of Who You Are. To deny any one of them is to reject a portion of yourself.

We all have had both dark and light times in life, accept & forgive all, for all are portions of you.
All dark moments created the growth which led you to this point in your journey. Choose to release the hurt and pain forever, it no longer serves you. Feel grateful and keep only the wisdom gained from those experiences, as that is truly what is valuable. Know there could be no light without shadow and no shadow exists without light.
Namast'e and Welcome to the Light, my friends!
May Your Journey of SELF-Acceptance Be Wonderful.
Mindful Consciousness Audio by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT

Jennifer Kruse is a Hands-on Holistic & Spiritual Healer, Inspirational Teacher,
Speaker & Writer known as the "Caterpillar Whisperer" (Why? Click Here)
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Empowering Life Transformations! Jen Enjoys Helping People Connect & Understand Aspects of SELF in Profound Healing Experiences.
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