There is an ever growing interest in Native Medicine & the numbers proved that!
Good example of addressing the WHOLE:
Dog Trainers can retrain a problematic dog quite easily, but if they return the animal to it's owner, the dog will revert back to the original behavior. Why? Because they only addressed ONE PART of the Whole! The dog owner must also be retrained on how to co-habitat with their dog. This provides for a LONG LASTING RESULT! Both parties have been retrained and the positive changes may continue to unfold! Retraining the owner was the Holistic Choice, as it addressed the WHOLE SITUATION.
Native American Medicine believes that in order to have a true physical, emotional or mental healing... a Spiritual Healing must also take place. When is the last time your medical doctor inquired about your Spiritual Health? I have not experienced this within conventional medicine, but it's common in Native American Medicine!
It's truly a pleasure to observe the evidence of Native Medicine's rise in popularity!
Miigwech! (Big Thanks)
Written by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT
(701) 371-3111