Positive Communication with Free-Spirited (Stubborn) People | |
Ensuring that their overly caring "Pleasant" nature isn't abused, they are balanced by their equally powerful stubborn side.
Pleasantly Stubborn People:
Nicely make a reasonable request & it will be done.
Their natural reaction to rudely being told "You Can't" is...
"Watch Me."
We highly recommend knowing in advance the best ways to interact with people who are pleasantly stubborn.
To the pleasantly stubborn person, that sounds more like, "I Triple Dog Dare You!"
They do not lack confidence, as a matter of fact, sometimes their confidence says:
"I'm-Possible replaces the Impossible."
Thanks to their high confidence, amplified by stubbornly wanting to help others where nobody else could...
Many amazing new discoveries have been made.
Be Sure to Ask Nicely, they don't "take orders" well.
Understand that if you attempt to "order them around" you will not get the reaction you were hoping for.
As a matter of fact, even if the pleasantly stubborn person was on their way to do the very thing you ordered them to do, they will usually stop right in their tracks and suddenly go out of their way NOT to do it.
They will stop doing something they wanted to do just because they are offended by how rudely you ordered them to do it.
These people usually give more than they ever take, they have huge hearts and love helping people. They do this because they care, not because they have to.
Once it feels like a requirement, it feels all wrong to them and they realize they are being taken advantage of in a negative way.
If you are mean to them or attempt to control them, you'll end up realizing that they are like a wild horse with a free spirit.
You can't break a stubborn free spirit by force, nor can they be controlled. Attempt to break them and you'll stubbornly be bucked off this free spirited high horse.
If you wish to be with a Free Spirit...
Use Love and their Stubborn Free Spirit will bend over backwards for you, they'll be there long after others would have given up.
the most Pleasantly Stubborn people you'll ever meet. :) ❤ Namaste ❤
Jennifer is a Hands-on Holistic Healer, Inspirational Teacher, Speaker & Writer known as the "Caterpillar Whisperer" (Why? Click Here)
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