"One Last Request" by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT - Holistic Healing, Fargo

For My Final Wishes...
I have just One Request:
and do it well.
Cry all tears of sadness,
none can be kept.
Please cry until you can’t,
All tears… they must be wept!
My Request is Selfish,
do you know why I ask?
It’s really nothing new…
Upon physical death,
a Spirit goes on living
within the hearts
who love them true.
Your Heart shall be my HOME.
Please Grieve for Me…
and do it well.
Make my Home a Heaven,
don’t turn it into Hell.
Grieve well and quickly…
don’t drag it out for years.
Please don’t fill my Home with Sadness,
for I could surely drown in a Sea of unwept tears.
My Home feels like Your Heart does…
I shall feel the way you do.
Experience much more Love, Joy and Happiness,
so I can feel that too!

Inspirational Teacher, Speaker & Author known as
the "Caterpillar Whisperer."
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Jen is a Holistic Healer, Teacher and Practitioner of many Alternative Medicine Modalities. Jen Enjoys Helping People Connect & Understand Aspects of SELF in a Profound Healing Experience. Helping YOU Transform Your Life!
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Call Jen at (701) 371-3111
www.JenniferKruse.com www.Aspire2Heal.com