"Awaiting Wonders" by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT - Holistic Healing & Reiki - Fargo

Large Pine Tree Labyrinth in Minnesota, Re-Discovered March 2010 by: Jennifer Kruse
Indicating Large Size:
Highway is located in the lower right corner of the photo.
Located on the Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minnesota.
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Background: Jennifer Kruse noticed this tree formation while looking at Google Earth. She anxiously waited for spring thaw to look for the labyrinth in person. Jennifer and her mother, Jaci (Wells) Adkins, spent a day looking for the labyrinth on the ground. Before locating it in person, they ran into Buck Jourdain, the Red Lake Chairman. They showed him a photo of the Labyrinth, which Jennifer had taken of her computer screen. He seemed very surprised, he knew nothing about a tree formation, although he noted that according to the photo, it was definitely located nearby. After locating the Labyrinth, they were unable to fully explore it, fearing they may get turned around before dark. The Tree Labyrinth was overgrown with trees which had grown in. It was difficult to walk in the areas which look clear from above. Jennifer returned in the fall of 2010, after the foliage was gone. Pictures taken from the ground level, were quickly shared with Larry Stillday, Sr., Red Lake Elder and Spiritual Leader. Larry Stillday, Sr. inquired with the Red Lake DNR about the Tree Labyrinth. They told him that they were aware that there was a pine forest located there, but they did not previously know that it was planted in a particular shape. Interesting Shape: The shape of the Tree Labyrinth takes on the appearance of an X. Although the Labyrinth is not round, it highly resembles the Ojibwe Medicine Wheel. Also noteworthy, the East/West line also has meaning within the traditional Ojibwe teachings. Found within the Labyrinth: Although the Labyrinth has still not been fully explored, two old sweat lodges were discovered within it. Ribbons representing the seven directions were still hanging in the surrounding trees. It appeared the site had not been utilized for many years. Many cultures have used Labyrinths all over the globe. Check Back for more pictures and updated information regarding this and other amazing re-discovered places. |

Inspirational Teacher, Speaker & Author known as
the "Caterpillar Whisperer."
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