Listen to Audio Reading: | Insights You Can Use to Conquer & Eliminate Evil. |

You won't need to be convinced of anything new, as a matter of fact, we ask the questions and you'll discover that you already have all the answers. Most people haven't thought about it long enough to realize these things before.
It's time to say "good-bye" to Evil... Are you ready?

This explains the horrific battles which have taken place on Earth. Humans have been warring against each other, always attempting to conquer what someone determined as "Evil," usually both sides believe that their enemy is evil.

perhaps we've been fighting it in the wrong places and maybe in the wrong ways.
Are you ready to answer the questions?
* A child without any religious knowledge could answer. This insight is shared using Christian terms and beliefs. Understanding this insight does not require Christianity as a prerequisite, these are valuable life lessons for anyone. *
Try to answer these questions as simply as a 5-year old child would, keep it simple. Jesus did say we should be as children when we come to Him, correct? (Luke 18:17)
Let us look at these questions with "child-like eyes."
Tree of Life vs. Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil

What did the
Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil have which the
Tree of Life
did not have?
Your Answer should be the simplest one which a child without prior knowledge of this story could come up with.
Answering simply is sometimes more difficult for grown-ups.
(even grown-ups pretending to be 5-years old)
Pretend you know nothing about this story,
use only the information written on the picture above.
What is the obvious and simplest answer?
The simple answer is very obvious... did you get it?

The answer is highlighted in this photo.
What did the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil have which the Tree of Life did not have?
The Answer...
The Tree of Knowledge had
Knowledge of Evil.
The Tree of Life does not believe in Evil, it can't believe in something it has absolutely no knowledge of.
You should ponder that for awhile later...

You are 5-Years Old...
For the first time ever, you suddenly gain "Knowledge of Evil," how do you feel?
You didn't know that the fella in this picture existed before, but he does now and he's probably under your bed!
How do you feel about that?

"you feel scared."
Any child who previously did not know that monsters exist or that anything dangerous could grab him from underneath his bed would be very shaken by suddenly gaining "knowledge of evil monsters."
A previously safe & wonderful bedroom suddenly transforms into a very scary and unsafe place.
Precautions would need to be taken to defend himself, perhaps leaving the light on or jumping onto the bed from pretty far away. Would you grab something which could be used as a weapon?
Do you understand what "Evil" really is?

Answer now as an adult person...
Is there really a monster under the bed?
Of course not.
When you are 5-years old, there is nothing your parents can do to convince you that "Evil Monsters" don't really exist and they definitely are not under your bed.
When you are 5-years old, this seems more real than anything else and if your parents can't see them, then that must be because monsters only go after little kids!
Who will protect you from them if your parents can't do it?
Oh No... those "evil monsters" just got even scarier.

Fear is the real root of all we have called "Evil."
Fearful Humans are the most dangerous of all creatures.
All sins are born from fears.

What would it take for you to kill someone?
The most common answer is that you would kill someone to protect your child, spouse or self.
Look at this answer, the very need to protect comes from a fear that there might be danger.

Everyone would steal under the right circumstances.
What would it take for you to steal something?
The most common answer is that you would steal food if you were starving to death.
Look at this answer, fear of starving, fearing that you would not be provided for any other way.

If you wish to eliminate sin, it only makes sense to start eliminating what causes it.
Attempting to scare people into good behavior serves to reinforce their fears. It isn't the fast path which leads to "saving," it usually leads to extended time living with more fear. In these modern days, many no longer find comfort and protection within faith alone... a sign that FEAR itself has taken too much control in their lives.
Please give a new answer for this question:
What did the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil have which the Tree of Life did not?

What the Tree of Knowledge sees as Evil, the Tree of Life sees only as Fear.
There are numerous scriptures in the bible which show that the enemy of Love is Fear. There is No Fear in Love and please remember that God is Love.
The bible says we should not fear judgment, that those who fear punishment have not yet been perfected in love. (verification: 1 John 4:16-18)
Is your God a Wise, Loving & Forgiving Parent?
You can answer this from within yourself simply by posing questions about how you would handle certain situations. Unless you believe that you are greater than God, your answers can't possibly be more loving than God's would be. God is Love, remember?

If your child or nephew pees on your expensive brand new carpet all the way down the hallway, would you be upset with him?
You probably would be, especially if you believe that he did it on purpose.
Now the situation changes...
You know that he pees himself when he gets really scared. You ask questions and discover that he was startled by a monster under the bed, he ran down the hall trying to make it to the bathroom because he got scared.
He accidentally peed all the way down the hallway, but only because he was trying not to ruin your new carpet. Poor little guy... Are you still upset with him?
Some fears are easier to see than others, however, as you search for proof that evil comes from fear... you'll find evidence confirming that it's always true. As you do this, you'll feel more compassion and understanding for those you previously believed to be "evil people."

Begin by Destroying the Evil Within
If you feared "evil" in the world, then you allowed that "evil" to come inside of you. The more you feared evil, the more evil you created inside of yourself.
It's up to each of us to destroy the fear within ourselves. Argue and cast out all of your fears and Fear will shatter from within.
When Fear outweighs Love
When Fear outweighs Love in any situation, actions become those which others recognize as "evil." A defensive person who is acting on their fear feels justified in defending themselves, they are not aware of the "evil" they are doing because they are too busy defending against whatever they fear, they usually don't consider seeing it any other way.

Even while he was being harassed, mocked and tortured to death... Jesus forgave the people committing the "evil actions" against him.
Jesus believed they knew not what they were doing. The same is true today.
Conquering Evil
When we understand that "Evil" comes from Fear, it becomes obvious that the only way to conquer "Evil" is to conquer and eliminate Fear.
Fear is our only real enemy.
Fear creates war and war creates more fear.
A war on Terror should eliminate Fear... not people.
No Fear = No Fearful Acts = No Terror

Those in Fear are seeing through a thick fearful fog, it makes even good things look scary.
The Fog within them is sustained by their belief in their own Fearful Thoughts.
If even good people (like Jesus) are made to look scary by this fearful fog, then Who Can Save Them?

Who can "Save Them"
from their own Thoughts?
Only They Can... We did. :)
No parent can convince their 5-year old child that monsters do not exist and that there is nothing under the bed.
When the child believes his own fearful thoughts, that is what is real to him. The only person who can truly eliminate the monsters is the child who argues with what his own thoughts are telling him.
Is it easier to convince a child or a grown-up that their fears are not valid?
A grown-up has spent much more time believing in their fearful thoughts, it makes sense that their fears would be rooted much deeper than the fears of a young child.

- a Thought.
- its Thinker.
Those who suffer from habitual negative thought patterns often feel as if their problem is "Bigger than
they are."
How could a series of thoughts be bigger than the person who thinks them?
The thinker created the thoughts, just as God created the Universe.
A creation being greater than the one who created it? If this is part of your belief system, then please comment so we may learn about your new religion.
Don't be held prisoner by your thoughts, you are free to think better ones!
If people can completely recover from panic disorder with agoraphobia (Maximum-Security Fearful Thought Prison), then anyone can eliminate their unhealthy fearful thoughts.
There is no "magic pill" to cure fearful thoughts, but there are highly successful techniques which really do work. No one can do this for you, but there is guidance available, so you don't have to do it alone.
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Jennifer is a Hands-on Holistic Healer, Inspirational Teacher, Speaker & Writer
known as the "Caterpillar Whisperer"
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