I asked her many questions about the meaning of her poem. I use this as an example showing that we are born KNOWING, the truths are hidden within our hearts. Sometimes these beautiful truths leak out in creative ways.
Helps to prove that the answers are within our reach, for they are within us! Break free of Fear's Grip, Enter Your Heart & there you shall find everything you've been looking for!
The sky’s the limit, or so they say
Whether dark of night or glory of day
A golden feather glides along the way
I want to soar far above
Far above all, above myself
But no one can make it alone
Not even me
One without wings
Can never reach the sky
The clouds pass by
While longing eyes watch
How do I get there?
Far above all?
To make you proud?
To achieve my dreams?
Only those dearest to me
Can weave those golden wings
That lift me to the sky
You are that source of power
That source of love
That source of guidance
That source of friendship
I can never lose
I can never forget
With your words and lessons
You weave each experience
Into a wondrous tapestry
That unfurls into my wings
Those times of
Calm green of gentle enchantment
Sitting in each other’s company
Taking in those times of advice
Deep blue of sorrowful times
We cry in each other’s arms
And console each other through the tears
Raging red of clashing ideals
We raise voices over each other’s
Clamoring to be heard, to make the other see
Pristine white of pure love
Feeling the other’s love
Through trial and triumph
I could never ask for a better guide
A guide who may not know all
For who can?
But helps me choose
Drawing on her own times
And her sense of protection
I could not ask for more
So, who can help me lift these heavy wings?
Glorious as they may be?
Woven together with all these times?
Who can help me reach the sky?
With your smile
And undying love
And your guidance
You lift your hands to let me go
To let me fly above
A rainbow tapestry unfurls
Adding a new stroke on the world’s canvas
Who helped this new dream to fly through the universe?
It was you
Dear mother
I couldn’t have done it without you
My guide
My friend
My faith
You help me fly and spread my wings
And I couldn’t have done it without you