Did you keep blaming others for your life gone wrong?
In life there are times when you look in the mirror, finally recognizing the one responsible.
Perhaps your actions have taught your children how to be and now you are stuck watching them repeat your mistakes and suffer because of it. Oh that one REALLY SUCKS!!! I know, been there... done that one!
Living your life gone wrong, over and over?
Haven't you had enough yet?
Here is an example:
A man's wife leaves him with the children. He says she went crazy, he sends proof that she's crazy to those interested parties. The wife was horrible to be around & she was cheating on him. She has abandoned both he and the children. She didn't help with the bills or do anything around the house, etc. She stayed gone and didn't have contact with the kids!
Now this same man remarried, they are very happy together. She even adopts the children. But then the same thing happens... he says she went crazy (sending proof of that to those who will look at it), started cheating on him, she left him with the kids and basically it's the same story all over again, different woman.
Then the same man remarried again! All the same things happen and they are very happy together, but in the end.... she does the same things!
How Sad!!! Those poor kids being abandoned by all those moms!!!
How could a mother do that? I could not imagine it! I had difficulty "buying" that the first Mom ever did! Then the next one too?
How many times will his friends and family BELIEVE that the exact same thing happened??? What are the chances of that?
What is more likely to be the truth?
Could it be that this man is living within a negative karmic circle?
If he is... then HE IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE for it.
People get stuck in those circles and don't get passed the personal struggle....
because it's all they can see!
Often when they do see more, they can't handle the GUILT when they realize
They become filled with Regret.
Well, here's what I'll always say:
Bad things really do happen FOR A GOOD REASON!
Release your regret so that you may
If you learn from it, apply changes to SELF, you'll be able to move on.
Oh and sometimes, when the woman happens to be the 3rd or 4th one in the lineage of "crazy, cheating, no good wives" ... she may be aware that he sends things out to a vast group of people at once. Sometimes she may send things on purpose, just so the info gets out and develops a curiousity, kinda like a soap opera... you feel excited to hear the rest of the story and so they come seeking to find out more information. :)
written by: Jennifer Kruse, LMT CRMT